8 Amazing Hemp Oil Benefits for Skin

8 Amazing Hemp Oil Benefits for Skin-Plant People

Written By: Emily Spring

You probably already know about some of hemp and CBD’s potential benefits. From supporting healthy sleep cycles to decreasing feelings of stress and anxiety, the hemp plant and its extracts help thousands of people reconnect to their nature everyday. 

Did you know that CBD and hemp oil drops work when applied topically? Full of antioxidants and nourishing fatty acids, hemp oil provides numerous potential benefits when used for skin health.

In this short guide, we’ll explain the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil and share the top 8 benefits of using hemp oil for skin care.

Hemp Oil, CBD, and Skin Care

Wait a second, you might be asking. What’s the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil?

If you’re already a CBD enthusiast, you likely know that CBD oil is derived from industrial hemp. CBD oil can come in different forms, from CBD oil tinctures to CBD supplements. If you’re not familiar with the must-knows of CBD oil, here’s a quick rundown on the substance:

  • Products labeled “CBD oil” usually come from the leaves, flowers and stalks of hemp plants.
  • Some CBD oil is “full-spectrum,” meaning it contains not just CBD, but also CBN, CBG, terpenes and other potentially beneficial compounds that contribute to an “entourage effect”, which is when each compound enhances the others’ efficacy. Other CBD oils contain only CBD isolate placed in a carrier oil.
  • CBD oil contains CBD in varying amounts. However, it always contains less than 0.3% THC, meaning it is not psychoactive.

That sure sounds like hemp oil. Yet “hemp oil” can refer to two distinct products:

  • Hemp oil with (or without) CBD – Some manufacturers label their CBD oil “hemp oil” to get around their state’s legal restrictions on CBD. Check the ingredients or ask the manufacturer to see if a given hemp oil contains CBD or if it is pure hemp seed oil.
  • Hemp seed oil – You’ll also find hemp oil derived from hemp seeds in abundant supply at health food and grocery stores. Hemp seed oil does not contain CBD, although it does contain numerous nourishing compounds.

So, is hemp oil good for you and your skin? That depends on the quality of the products you’re using. When grown organically and without pesticides, both hemp seed oil and full-spectrum CBD oil are amazing allies for glowing, dewy skin. 

To experience all of the hemp plants’ beneficial effects, seek out skin care products that contain CBD and hemp seed oil.

We’ll dive further into 8 hemp oil benefits below.

#1 Promotes Even Skin Tone

Do you have dark undereye circles, sun spots or other areas of uneven skin tone? There are several potential underlying causes:

  • Excessive sun exposure – UV rays can damage your skin at a cellular level through a process called oxidative stress. In short, UV rays strip healthy skin cells of their oxygen particles and create “free radicals,” or unbalanced cells that bond with others and spread damage.
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation – After an injury, rash or another issue, skin cells may sustain permanent damage, affecting their production of the skin pigment melanin. 
  • Hormonal change – Changes in hormone levels can also disrupt melanin production. 

How can hemp oil help? 

Both hemp seeds and CBD possess antioxidant properties, which means they can help combat oxidative stress and cellular damage.

  • One study found that CBD’s antioxidant activity is comparable to more well known antioxidants, including Vitamin C.
  • Hemp seed oil is rich in Vitamin E, another potent antioxidant that is commonly used to help aid skin repair.

To take advantage of these hemp oil benefits for skin, apply Plant People’s Revive Face Serum to clean, dry skin. Formulated with CBD, hemp seed oil and other nourishing adaptogens, this serum is specially formulated to encourage even skin tone.

#2 Brightens and Hydrates

Who doesn’t feel more powerful and confident when they’ve got bright, radiant skin? However, there’s plenty you can do to cultivate a dewy glow, no fountain of youth needed.

A diet rich in vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) can help nourish your skin from the inside out. But you can also give your skin a helping hand by applying hemp oil topically.

Hemp seeds contain the following beneficial compounds:

  • Polyphenols
  • PUFAs
  • Squalene
  • Sterols

To help cultivate that nourished, youthful glow and redefine skin health, apply CBD face serum after cleansing and before moisturizing.

For added effects, try adding a CBD Mind + Body tincture to your daily routine.

#3 Detoxifies

In addition to combating oxidative stress from UV rays, antioxidant substances can help fight or reverse damage from smoke, ozone and other environmental irritants.

How does it work? 

Plant People’s CBD face mask pairs CBD and pure hemp seed oil with the following beneficial ingredients:

Exfoliant willow bark helps slough off dead skin cells so that nourishing hemp, seaweed, calendula and mushroom extracts can work their antioxidant magic and replenish the cells just beneath the surface. Whether you have dry, combination or oily skin, hemp oil can help detoxify your skin to give it a fresh, healthy glow.

#4 Fights Aging

What causes aging?

You might think that the simple answer is time. But according to the Free Radical Theory of Aging, we only experience fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet because of free radical damage due to oxidative stress.

That’s right. That means that antioxidants, like the ones found in hemp oil, may actually prevent or repair some of the signs of aging, too. Some studies even indicate that CBD can help to promote new cellular growth.

For best results, consider making antioxidant CBD oil a part of your daily skincare routine!

#5 Soothes Irritation

Do you have sensitive or dry skin? If your face is prone to turning red at the slightest environmental irritant, you already know to avoid harsh and artificial ingredients that could further upset your delicate facial skin. 

Some research suggests that hemp and CBD oil can both help naturally balance your skin’s oil levels. Why is this important?

  • Your skin acts as a barrier to invading pathogens and irritants. Natural sebum oil prevents skin from readily absorbing foreign substances.
  • When your skin is dry and lacks oil, it becomes more reactive to environmental stressors.

Rich in nourishing fatty acids, hemp oil can help restore the skin’s equilibrium. CBD also has anti-inflammatory properties that can also help reduce post-exercise inflammation. If you notice that your skin is especially sensitive and blemish-prone after a workout, harness CBD’s potential anti-inflammatory properties to help your skin recover post-sweat. 

#6 Soothes and Relaxes

Beauty isn’t skin-deep. When our minds are stressed, our bodies feels the strain. In fact, cortisol, the stress hormone, breaks down our skin’s elastin and collagen. Elastin and collagen keep skin taut and plump. Without those elements, wrinkles can form more easily. 

So adding a little more relaxation to your day may help your skin stay smooth and healthy.

CBD is well-known for its ability to combat stress in the mind and body. When taken as an oil, CBD can help soothe anxiousness and melt away stressful thoughts. When applied topically, it can help to relax muscle tension and soreness.

If you feel like you’ve been clenching the muscles around your face, giving yourself a luxurious CBD facial massage can help brighten your skin and relax the muscles beneath. 

#7 Fights Blemishes and Uneven Texture

Does your skin feel thicker or more oily in certain areas? Perhaps it tends towards blemishes or little bumps that bring you back to your teenage years. Uneven skin texture can have the same root causes as uneven skin tone: the causes range from UV rays to hormonal imbalances. Besides that, bacteria can also contribute to blemishes and rough patches.

The good news? CBD can help create a nourishing environment for the good kind of bacteria to flourish. Yup, there is such a thing as good bacteria! 

  • Your skin microbiome is home to many beneficial bacteria that help to fight off other pathogens.
  • By promoting a healthy skin biome, CBD may help ward off some blemish-causing bacteria.

Try out a CBD body lotion to address uneven skin tone and texture from the neck down.

#8 Protects

As we noted, your skin needs a healthy balance of natural facial oil to do its job as part of your immune system.

However, as we age, our skin loses the ability to produce sebum, resulting in dryness.

Hemp oil’s ultra-moisturizing properties mean that this substance isn’t only great at reversing damage: it’s also great at preventing it in the first place!

Plant People, From Head to Toe

Whether you’re looking for a skin-brightening face mask or want to unwind with a relaxing CBD foot massage before bed, Plant People will help you meet your wellness goals.

Our hemp and CBD products are formulated from full-spectrum, organic, U.S. grown hemp. Our proprietary formulas combine hemp extracts with beneficial, adaptogenic herbs and high performance mushrooms to create accessible solutions.

Try our line of CBD skincare to experience brighter, glowing skin. For added support, add CBD oil tinctures to your daily routine and experience enhanced wellness from the inside out.


Written by Emily Spring 

Emily Spring is the Director of Marketing at Plant People. A longtime proponent of balanced living, she has enjoyed over 8 years driving growth in the lifestyle, health and wellness sectors with deep experience in functional solutions for optimizing anyone's everyday life.

Reviewed by Gabe Kennedy

 Co-Founder of Plant People, Gabe Kennedy is an acclaimed chef and entrepreneur. Growing up in a house of healers and herbalists, he is passionate about the power of food as a tool for health, and actualized this passion and belief system into his company, Plant People. Named to Forbes 30 under 30 Gabe has shaped menus and cooked his way around the world with his mission to promote a more communal, green and healthy world.

 Gabe is a graduate of The Culinary Institute of America and Cornell University School of Hotel Administration. You can learn more about his work at his website.


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