Plant Person Profile

Plant Person Profile: Dawn Tolan

Plant Person Profile: Dawn Tolan-Plant People

Meet Dawn: NYC-based 16-time marathoner, health and wellness enthusiast and Plant Person we love. 

Hi Dawn! Tell us a little about yourself: 

I am a fitness enthusiast and have exercised most of my life starting with Jane Fonda step aerobics!  I am celebrating my 30 year anniversary of running this year.  The first official race I ran was in December of 1991. Since then I have completed sixteen marathons and hope to do a lot more.

What's your relationship to the world of “wellness”?

In addition to running personally I am a certified running coach and have done personal training.

How active would you consider yourself on a weekly basis, if 1 is sedentary and 10 is running a marathon a day?

An 8.

When it comes to movement, what’s your go-to endorphin booster? 


Have you always lived a lifestyle like this? If so, why? If not, when did it change?

I was always sporty as a kid playing softball, archery, badminton to name a few activities and exercised more consistently going to the gym and running starting in high school.  I love to cross country ski and downhill skiing as well.  I love to be outside mostly and feel like my best self when my body is moving.

No matter how careful we are, physical activity can lead to injury. Have you had this experience?

Yes. My hips get tight from overuse between running and spinning.

What kinds of products did you try in order to alleviate the pain and stiffness?

Over the years I’ve tried a lot of different things - mostly over the counter anti-inflammatories - but wanted to move away from ingesting pills. 

What worked?

I started looking for topicals, when a friend recommended Plant People Plant Balm (now Soothe+ Balm). She was using it to soothe sore muscles, so I thought I'd try it too! 

Would you recommend Soothe+ Balm to a friend? If so, why?

Absolutely. I already have a number of times. It worked for me!

What’s your #1 tip to feel whole, nourished and grounded?

I would say move your body as much as possible, take breaks and try to get enough sleep.

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